Blog para aprender inglés online

Si quisiera mejorar o aprender inglés, este blog podría ser su ayudante.

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El blog será en inglés, y únicamente damos explicaciones mínimas (en español) para aclarar algo, para traducir algo que podría ser difícil, o para acelerar su entendimiento.

El autor es Aimee, directora y una especialista en educación hablante nativa.

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Do you sometimes “grimace”?

A “grimace” (mueca/mohín) is a false smile (una sonrisa falsa) or facial expression, usually to express dislike (antipatia). A mortal who grimaces “pulls a face


The Impact of VAT on Public Schools

What It Means for the State Education System and Private Tuition From 1st January 2025, VAT will be applied to private schools in the UK,

online tutoring

Is Online Tuition the Right Fit for Your Child?

As online learning becomes more common in the UK, many parents are considering whether online tuition could be the right solution for their child’s educational needs. It’s

Are you responsible for gaslighting?

Gas you will know, and lighting (alumbrado) too. So what is gaslighting? It is a colloquialism (palabra coloquial), and it refers to the idea of

Have you been up a “gum tree”?

Perhaps. “Gum” (goma) you may know, and “tree” also. Some mortals chew (masticar) gum and the product is “chewing gum” (chicle). A gumtree (árbol gomero)

Do you opine?

To opine (opinar) is a way to express an opinion or belief. Many English mortals (mortales) will say “I think that “and they could also

Mortals, to be informal!

So here are Informal questions (preguntas informales) to mortals about how things are.   How is everything going? = ¿Cómo va todo?   How are

At 9am “on the dot”

“Dot” (punto) you may know. The plural is “dots”. Mortals (mortales) that write correctly put a dot at the end of a sentence (oración). You

Are you a fretter?

Perhaps? (¿Quizas?) Sometimes? A mortal that “frets” is in a state of anxiety (estado de ansiedad), who looks visibly anxious (visiblemente ansioso). Another similar word

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